Aquest migdia he vist el reportatge més impressionant que mai havia vist.
I m'he adonat que l'he cagada amb la meva carrera!
{Tranquils, realment no ho penso.
Crec que ha de ser massa dur, però anar-hi un dia... no estaria gens malament.}
Us deixo tres fotos impressionants del reportatge.
Resulta que un dels astronautes que fa poc van tornar de l'estació espacial international,
va fer una gravació de tot el que anaven veient al acostar-se a la Terra.
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Les vistes que veure el dia que vagi d'excursió a La Lluna. |
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Espero un dia poder-ho veure a Lapònia... |
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Reconeixeu el riu? |
Aquí teniu el link per poder gaudir del video. A veure si veieu Catalunya! Jo l'he vista!!!
Doncs siii! quina enveja!
ResponEliminaQué fotos tan precisas! a mi también me gustan ese tipo de repor, me abstraen de este mundo que, visto lo visto tras el se como va cambiar,jeje. ya veremos que tal lo hacen estos...
ResponEliminaun besazo!!!y viva la adolescencia tradicional!!
I was near Torrevieja some empty suburb. My parents rented a apartment for a month to check out the area if they would buy a apartment there. There is some quite cheap apartments now because of the economical situation what is going on in Spain ( so sorry about that).
ResponEliminaAnyway the flat was okay but the neighborhood was just empty. The suburb was build middle of the field and there was just empty apartments nothing else, it was like being in deserted little town. I don't know do foreigners own all the houses and not being there just now or were they bank owned empty places! There were no restaurant , cafe or anything, all that was both side of road number 332. Who wants to eat next to quite big road with all the noise and pollution! I just hated it.
Torrevieja was okay but nothing special and those salt lakes are there. I saw few salt lakes also when we drove to airport to Alicante. It was amazing, sun was just getting down and I saw flamingos in the salt lake and last light of sun got to them, it was so beautiful but of course our flight was leaving so we didn't have time to stop take pictures of them.
Here is really dark because still we don't have snow so everything is just grey. We have grey light 6 hours and in Oulu 5 hours. I have use all my lamps on in day time that I can see. This is quite depressing so would you please find me a cheap apartment from there and I can come when ever I want:)
Have a nice weekend and hugs
Doncs sí, eh! Això de ser astronauta a tothom li ha passat pel cap algun cop a la vida:P
ResponEliminaVa acabar bé la nit?