divendres, 11 de novembre del 2011

Dia 44 - Any 2

Avui la iaia ha fet 88 anys. 

La conversa ha estat la següent: 
- Iaia, avui fas anys! Moltes felicitats!!!
- A si? – ha preguntat ella. 
- Sí – he contestat. 
- I quants en faig? – m'ha preguntat. 
- 88!!! – he exclamat.
- Oflen!

P.D: Quin dia més xulo - 11 del 11 del 11 per fer 88 anys! Tot són números repetits.


Today my grandma turned 88 years old.

The conversation was as follows:
- Grandma, today is your birthday! Happy Birthday!!!
- Really? – asked her.
- Yes – I answered.
- How old am I? – she asked me.
- 88! – I exclaimed.
- Oflen!*

P.S: What a really good day - 11/11/11 to turn 88 years old! All numbers are repeated.

* In Catalan, colloquial word used nowadays only by old people to express positive surprise. It's a word that always makes me think of my grandma. It doesn't appear in the dictionaries and I don't know a similar word in English. Sorry!

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