Bé, estem a finals de juliol (Ja!!!?)
i vaig dir que tornaria a publicar a finals de juny... (ups!)
El motiu de la meva abscència?
Al juny, exàmens.
Al juliol, moltes coses. Les moltes hores d'estudi del MIR, sessions de cinema a la fresca, algun concert, espectacles de màgia, classes de Swing {m'encanta!!!}...
En definitiva, que aprofito totes les hores que no he de passar a la biblioteca per gaudir de l'estiu!
Però, tinc moltes fotos per compartir, i alguna que m'agrada molt, així que espero que mica en mica em vagi posant al dia i pugui compartir-ho al blog.
Mentrestant, us deixo el videoclip d'aquesta cançó que m'encanta.
La puc escoltar en bucle, una i altra vegada, i no me'n canso... {potser, de moment?}
Confesso que secretament, m'agradaria sortir en aquest videoclip.
I que m'haguessin demanat que fes aquestes dues parts:
"Ooooooh!" {minut 02:03} i "...everybody wanna shine that bright." {minut 02:43}.
Well, July has almost come and go (already!!?)
and I told you I would be blogging again at the end of June... (ups!)
The reason for my abscence?
The reason for my abscence?
In June, it was exams.
In July, it is many things. The many hours of study in preparation for MIR exam (residency program entry exam for medical graduates), open air cinema sessions, a concert, a magic show, Swing classes {I'm loving them!} ...
In short, I'm spending all the time that I don't have to spend in the library, enjoying Summer!
But I have many photos to share and some that I really like, so hopefully I will slowly catch up and share them on the blog.
Meanwhile, here you have the music video of this song that I love.
I can listen it in loop mode, again and again, and I don't get tired of it... {maybe, only not yet?}
I secretly wish I was in this music video.
And that I would have been asked to do these two parts:
And that I would have been asked to do these two parts:
"Ooooooh!" {minute 2:03} and "...everybody wanna shine that bright." {minute 2:43}.
NOTA: Procuraré anar actualitzant el blog, i ho vull fer per odre cronològic, penjant les fotos que he anat tirant durant aquests quasi dos mesos d'absència al dia que els pertoca.
Per això, les noves actualitzacions no surtiran com a última publicació, sinó per sota d'aquesta entrada.
NOTE: I'll try to update the blog, and I want to do it in chronological order, publishing the pictures I've been taking during these almost two months of absence on the day they were taken.
Therefore, the new updates won't go to latest publication, but below this very one.
com han anat els exàmens
ResponEliminaNo tant bé com hauria d'haver anat... però bé... què hi farem! ;)