diumenge, 14 de juliol del 2013

Dia 289 - Any 3 // Day 289 - Year 3

Mentres escric des de la meva habitació del pis de Barcelona
entra, per la finestra oberta, olor a asfalt nou...
Com m'agradaria tornar a estar a Ulldeter {photo} i sentir l'olor a natura.
Hem hagut de marxar ràpid cap al cotxe... la pluja ens perseguia,
però hem tingut temps per fer una caminadeta i dinar.

El millor ha estat poder gaudir d'una zona preciosa plena de abarsets florits.
Mai ho havia vist tant bonic com avui.

While I type from my room at my apartment in Barcelona
the smell of new asphalt concrete is coming throw the open window...
I would like to be back at Ulldeter {photo above} and smell nature instead.
We had to run back to the car... rain was chasing us
but we had enough time to walk a little and to have lunch.

The best thing was to be able to enjoy such beautiful scenery filled with blossoming alpenroses.
I had never seen it as beautiful as today.

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