Aquesta tarda he anat en bicicleta fins al Port Vell.
És un lloc que m'agrada molt, tot i la gran i constant afluència de turistes,
però el que més m'agrada és l'edifici de l'Autoritat Portuària,
un dels meus edificis preferits de la zona.
Així que li he tirat una foto i de passada, surt la meva ombra saludant a les meves amigues de USA.
M'ha costat aconsenguir una foto bona, però els hi ha agradat! :)
This afternoon I rode my bike to Port Vell {Old Harbor}.
It's a place I really like, even though there's a huge and constant influx of tourists,
but the thing I like best is the Port's Authority building,
is one of my favorite buildings in the area.
So I took a photo of it and also of my shadow waving hello to my friends in the US.
It took me many tries to have the good one, but they loved it! :)
I can see why you love this building... it is such a nice one and I love to see old buildings too. I say hi to you too!