Aquesta tarda he quedat per fer un intercanvi lingüístic,
però com que feia molt bon dia, he agafat la bici i he anat a fer un vol abans.
Al passar per davant d'aquesta casa okupa,
he descobert el gran canvi que li estaven fent a la façana de l'edifici.
M'agrada més aquest disseny que l'anterior,
perquè, a qui no li agradaria poder evadir-se de l'estrés de la ciutat?
This afternoon I met a girl for a language exchange,
but since it was such a sunny beautiful day, I went for a bike ride before.
When riding by this squatter house,
I discovered the big change with the building's facade.
I like this one better than the previous one,
because, who wouldn't like to be able to escape from the city stress from time to time?
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