dilluns, 4 de febrer del 2013

Dia 129 - Any 3 // Day 129 - Year 3

Festa pel meu aniversari (6 -7 anys?) amb els amics a casa. // Birthday party at home with my friends (6-7 years old?).
Fa uns dies vaig veure un vídeo que corria pel facebook,
que em va recordar la meva pròpia experiència durant la primària.
A la meva classe, hi havia l'Elena, una nena amb Síndrome de Down.
M'és difícil d'explicar amb paraules, però tenir-la com a companya de classe va ser un molt bon regal.
Vaig aprendre moltes coses. 

I crec que els meus companys de classe ho comparteixen perquè al posar-ho com a estatus al facebook,
molts van posar "m'agrada" o van comentar afirmant-ho.

A sota teniu el vídeo en qüestió.

Some days ago I saw a video on facebook,
that made me think of my own experience at elementary school.
In my class, there was Elena, a girl with Down's Syndrome.
It's difficult to explain it with words, but having her as a classmate was one of the greatest gift I could have asked for.
I learned so many thing thanks to her.

And I think most of my classmates think the same since when I wrote this as a facebook status,
they either "liked" it or commented with words of agreement.

Below you have the video I'm talking about.

1 comentari:

  1. Oh, you are all so cute in here... which one is you? I can't tell.


Els vostres comentaris sempre m'alegren!

Your comments make me smile!