Avui és l'aniversari de la meva cosina d'EUA, la Mary Ann.
Avui fa 11 anys.
Per felicitar-la he decidit tirar-me aquesta foto.
Sé que no surto gens afavorida, el motiu és el següent.
Després de dinar a la biblioteca, m'he començat a trobar molt malament.
Tant que he decidit marxar cap a casa, però no sabeu lo dura que se 'ha fet la tornada.
Mitja hora en bici normalment és agradable, però avui semblava una muntanya molt alta.
Fins i tot he hagut de vomitar a mig camí... {Dins una paperera, que jo sóc neta!}
Després de dormir quasi tota la tarda ja m'he trobat una mica millor.
Today is one of my USA cousins' birthday. It's Mary Ann's birthday.
Today she turns 11 years old.
In order to give her my birthday wishes I took this photo of myself.
I know I don't look great, the reason is explained above.
After having lunch at the library, I stated not feeling well.
That much that I decided to head home, but you can't imagine how hard was the way back.
Half an hour bike ride is usually a pleasant journey, but today it seemed like a really high mountain.
I even had to vomit half way... {In a bin, I am so clean!}
After sleeping almost all afternoon I felt a little bit better.
:D Glad you felt better, usually it's just fatigue or something we ate?