Tal com marca la tradició:
"Qui trobi la figureta del Rei dins el Tortell de Reis serà coronat!"
I així ho ha estat, aquest any, la meva mare.
Un dels millors moments del dia ha estat quan he posat el "mode smile" ON de la càmera
i el meu pare no sabia com somriure perquè la càmera ho detectés i li tirés la foto...
Boníssim!!! Li hauríeu d'haver vist les cares...
Feia molt de temps que no reia tant!
As the tradition says:
"Whoever finds the King figurine inside the Tortell de Reis will be crowned!"
And so it was, this year, my mother.
One of the best moments of the day was went I turned "smile mode" ON on my camera
and my father didn't know how to smile in order for the cam to detect it and took a photo of him...
Hilarious!!! You should have seen his faces...
I haven't laugh that hard for a long time!
Wow, such a fun tradition. Your mom looks happy.
ResponEliminaA mi em va tocar la fava per primer cop, aquest any!