dijous, 20 de desembre del 2012

Dia 83 - Any 3 // Day 83 - Year 3

En Byung i jo preprant el sopar. // Byung and me preparing dinner.
El dimarts passat va arribar en Byung Hwan, o també conegut per Steve, a Barcelona.
Ell és coreà i ha estat d'intercanvi a Copenhagen aquest passat semestre.
Allà ha conegut a l'Ester, i ella ens va preguntar si el voldriem allotjar durant la seva visita.
Tots vam dir que sí!

Avui, ens ha preparat un sopar Coreà que estava boníssim.
Ens ha preparat "bulgogi".

Ja tinc la recepta, i algun dia vull preparar-ho perquè estava per llepar-se'n els dits!

Moltes gràcies Byung!!!

Last Tuesday, Byung Hwan, or also known as Steve, arrived at Barcelona.
He is Korean and did an exchange program in Copenhagen during last semester.
There he met Ester, and Ester asked us if we wanted to host them during his visit.
We all said yes!

Today, he prepared us Korean dinner, which was delicious.
He cooked us "bulgogi".

I already have the recipe, and some day I will prepare it myself because it was extremely yummy!

Thank you very much Byung! 
Bulgogi a punt per esser menjat. // Bulgogi ready to be eaten.
P.D: La primera foto li he agafat a en Byung... Espero que no li importi.
P.D2: Probablement haureu una tendència a robar fotos últimament... Perdó!

P.S: I took the first photo from Byung's facebook account. I hope he is ok with that.
P.S2: You may have probably noticed a tendency of stealing photo lately... Sorry!

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