dimarts, 18 de desembre del 2012

Dia 81 - Any 3 // Day 81 - Year 3

Avui he anat a veure una obra de teatre que feia molt de temps volia veure,

És la millor obra de teatre que recordo haver vist mai,
mai m'havia emocionat tant anant al teatre.

Uns actors espectaculars, una posada en escena perfecte i un text brillant.
Tornaria a veure l'obra ara mateix.

Sense cap mena de dubte les expectatives han estat superades amb escreix,
i també sense cap mena de dubte us la recomano.

{I per si no podeu anar a veure l'obra, hi ha la pel·lícula.}

Today I went to see a theatre play I wanted to see for a long time,

It's the best theatre play I've ever seen,
I had never before experienced as many emotions as this time.
Spectacular actors, perfect staging and brilliant text.
I would see the play again right now.

Without any doubts it far exceeded my expectations,
and without any doubts I recommend it to you.

{If you can't go see the play, there's also the movie.}

Aquí us deixo un video promocional de l'obra, per si les meves paraules no us havíen convençut.

Here you have a promotional video of the play, in case my words didn't convince you. {It's in Catalan.} 

P.D: Maria, espero que no et faci res que t'hagi agafat la foto... ;)

P.S: Maria, I hope it's alright that I took your photo... ;)

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