Avui la Marta i la Chris han vingut a passar el dia a Barcelona.
Després de dinar, les que vivim a Barcelona, la Núria, la Cris i jo, hem quedat amb elles i els hem portat a berenar a la famossíssima Granja La Pallaresa del carrer Petritxol.
Allà al mateix, al carrer Petritxol,
he vist aquesta entrada d'una casa amb la representació del quadre modernista
de Ramon Casas titulat: "Ramon Casas i Pere Romeu en un tàndem".
És original no?
Today, Marta and Chris came to spend the day in Barcelona.
After lunch, those of us who live in Barcelona, Núria, Cris and I, met them and brought them
to the infamous Granja La Pallaresa at Petritxol street for some hot chocolate.
Not far from there, still at the same Petritxol street,
I saw this building main door with a representation of the modernist painting
by Ramon Casas untitled "Ramon Casas and Pere Romeu on a tandem".
Isn't it original?
In other news, this was my facebook status today:
Després de dinar, les que vivim a Barcelona, la Núria, la Cris i jo, hem quedat amb elles i els hem portat a berenar a la famossíssima Granja La Pallaresa del carrer Petritxol.
Allà al mateix, al carrer Petritxol,
he vist aquesta entrada d'una casa amb la representació del quadre modernista
de Ramon Casas titulat: "Ramon Casas i Pere Romeu en un tàndem".
És original no?
Today, Marta and Chris came to spend the day in Barcelona.
After lunch, those of us who live in Barcelona, Núria, Cris and I, met them and brought them
to the infamous Granja La Pallaresa at Petritxol street for some hot chocolate.
Not far from there, still at the same Petritxol street,
I saw this building main door with a representation of the modernist painting
by Ramon Casas untitled "Ramon Casas and Pere Romeu on a tandem".
Isn't it original?
In other news, this was my facebook status today:
We, Catalans, have many reasons to want to stop being part of Spain. With nowadays difficult economic situation, independency feelings in Catalonia has grown so much. It's not money, though, the main reason that makes us want to be a new independent state in the world, but the feeling of being mistreated once and again by the Spanish government. Specially towards our own language, Catalan, and our
own culture.
Today's mistreat: a new Education Law by the Spanish goverment which says Catalonia's own language will not be a preference at school, but the opposite. Catalan will go in importance after Spanish and TWO other FOREIGN LANGUAGES. Even teenagers will be able to get their degree without having to pass a Catalan exam!
I don't think this is normal! If Spain has 4 (yes, 4!!!) different languages, I think the wise thing would be to promote and encourage each and every one of them. Not the other way around, as the Spanish government has ALWAYS done!!!
With their attitude against anything Catalan, what they are achieving is that every day there's more and more people who wants the independence and who wants to achieve it as soon as possible!
P.S: I wrote all this in English because I want all my friends around the world to know a little bit of what's going on in Catalonia.
This isn't good my friend, I can understand so well your anguish on this issue. I just wish all will be well and everything will be preserved. I've also been a supporter of Tibet's fight against the Chinese regarding their declining traditions, culture and the language too. How sad that these big nations can be a bully to smaller nations even ours in the Philippines are on threat of Chinese encroachment.