Avui, he decidit agafar el bus número 28 a la Plaça Catalunya
i anar al Refugi antiaeri del Turó de la Rovira.
No hi havia estat mai, però fa un temps la Patri hi va anar
i me'l va fer descobrir.
Des de llavors havia tingut moltes ganes d'anar-hi
i avui ha sigut el dia.
Ara puc dir que ja tinc un nou lloc preferit de la ciutat, aquest.
Té unes vistes espectaculars!!!
Actualització [maig 2014]: degut als canvis en la xarxa de busos urbans de Barcelona, el bus per poder anar al Turó de la Rovira, actualment, és el V17.
Today I decided to take bus number 28 from Plaça Catalunya
and to go to the bomb shelter at Turó de la Rovira.
I've never been there before, but some time ago Patri went
and I discovered the existence of this place.
Since then I had a huge desire to go there
and today was the day.
Now I can say I have another favorite place in the city, this one.
It has such incredible views!!!
Update [May 2014]: due to changes in urban bus lines in Barcelona, the bus to go to Turó de la Rovira, nowadays, is V17.
I could understand why it's become a new favorite place... it would be mine too if I were there.