dimarts, 30 d’octubre del 2012

Dia 32 - Any 3 // Day 32 - Year 3

Avui a la residència de la meva àvia han celebrat la castanyada.
Per celebrar-ho, els residents han berenat moniatos i galetes.
I per animar la festa, música en directe.

M'encanta veure la meva àvia cantar, sobretot com entona emocionada un 
"Visca Catalunya! Visca el Català!" o "vetlleu Senyora pels catalans" o
el clàssic "Girona t'enamora a tu, m'enamora a mi".
De les lletres de les cançons no se n'oblida pas, no!

Tampoc té preu escoltar les converses entre els avis...

Today at the nursery home my grandmother is staying, 
they celebrated the "castanyada".
To celebrate it, residents had sweet potatos and cookies.
And in order to cheer the crowds, there was live music.

I absolutely love to hear my grandma sing,
specially when she sings with such emotion,
Catalan traditional songs which celebrate our culture and land.
She has forgot many things, but not the lyrics of these songs!

It's also priceless to listen to conversations between the elderly...

P.D: Per fi, després de molts dies el blog està actualitzat al 100%. Semblava que aquest dia no arribaria.

P.S: Finally, after many days the blog is updated 100%. It seemed that this day would never arribe.

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