diumenge, 28 d’octubre del 2012

Dia 30 - Any 3 // Day 30 - Year 3

I aquest matí ha tocat assistir a la Diada Castellera de la Plaça del Vi.
Feia molts i molts anys que no anava a veure els castellers,
i tot i que he patit en unes quantes situacions, m'ha encantat tornar-hi avui.

And this morning was the turn to attend the Castellers {human towers} exhibition at Plaça del Vi {Girona's city hall square}.
My last time attending it was many many years ago,
and even though I suffered for them in a few situations, I loved going there again today.

4 comentaris:

  1. Hi Aiketa,
    This tradition looks fun and other posts are also informative. Love them.

    1. Sure it's a nice tradition, but also a scary one for me. I would never be in one of those human towers. I think it's too hard and scary to do that!
      I'm so glad that you like my informative posts. I think since I translate them to English, I should try to make it logical {and this usually means explaining more} for someone who is not used to Catalan culture.

  2. what a nice and beautiful act... i am so into this kind of traditions, only I don't get to see them more often here as we have to drive a long way or for whatever reasons that we can't just go. This is why I've missed Philippines so bad recently as the country is so rich in culture and traditions, some Spanish inspired/influenced.

    1. Yes, I love to attend this kind of things. It's always fun and so interesting. Philippines must be a really interesting country too!


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