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Espectacle "Els cavalls de Menorca" a la Plaça del Vi. // The show "Els cavalls de Menorca" at Plaça del Vi. |
Aquest vespre, a les 20h concretament s'ha donat el tret de sortida a les Fires de Sant Narcís 2012.
El pregoner ha estat l'escriptor i periodista gironí Rafael Nadal i Farreras
i ha fet un pregó amb el qual m'he sentit molt identificada.
Va marxar a viure a Barcelona quan va anar a estudiar i no n'ha aconseguit tornar.
Viu allà, però cada cap de setmana fa les maletes per venir cap a Girona {això m'és lleugerament familiar}.
El pregó ha sigut emotiu, graciós i reivindicatiu,
però sobretot ha fet referència a l'orgull de ser gironí a Barcelona.
{Aquí podeu llegir la notícia resum del seu pregó.}
I crec que amb això sóc una experta, vull dir, amb l'orgull per la meva estimada Girona.
Molt bones Fires a tots!
This evening, at 8 pm exactly, the Fires de Sant Narcís 2012 {Girona's (my city) main festival} had its starting shot.
The speaker was Girona native writer and journalist Rafael Nadal i Farreras
who gave a speech in which I felt very identified.
He moved to Barcelona when he went there to study and has not returned.
He lives there, but every weekend he prepares a suitcase to go back to Girona {this sounds slightly familiar to me}.
The speech was touching, funny and assertive,
but mostly referred to the pride of being from Girona and living in Barcelona.
And I think I excel in that, I mean, the pride for my beloved Girona.
Happy Fires to everyone!
what a beautiful story, I wished I've visited Spain when I still worked in the Netherlands. I've always put it off my list for just empty reason, uggghhh...
ResponEliminaOh, so you were working in the Netherlands some time ago? Yes, then you were not that far... but well, there's always time! Spain is still at the same place. ;)