diumenge, 30 de setembre del 2012

Dia 2 - Any 3 // Day 2 - Year 3

El meu pare i uns quants de la seva colla ballant una sardana.  //  My father and some of his friends dancing a sardana.
Aquest matí, al costat de l'església de Palau Sacosta han tocat sardanes,
en motiu del dia de Sant Miquel {que va ser ahir}.
La meva mare hi ha portat la meva àvia per tal que pugués gaudir de la festa.
Ha estat molt contenta.
Cada cop que acabaven de tocar una sardana, 
ella no parada de dir: "Molt bé! Molt bé!"

This morning, next to the church of Palau Sacosta a band played sardanes,
on the occasion of St. Michael's day {which was yesterday}.
My mother brought my grandmother so she can enjoy the party.
She was very happy.
Every time the band finished playing a sardana
she wouldn't stop saying, "Very good! Very good!"

1 comentari:

  1. St. Michael is one of the archangels I pay homage and pray to, he's a one true great warrior. And in my hometown in the Philippines, he's the patron saint and the towns folk believed that he's helped the town in many ways especially on upcoming typhoons and/or many natural disasters. and I believe he does. :D

    Thanks for the many comments, sorry I went out of state during the weekends so I just read your messages today.



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