dissabte, 8 de setembre del 2012

Dia 346 - Any 2

El motiu principal de l'excursió d'aquest cap de setmana era fer el cim d'un 3000.
El cim escollit aquest any ha estat
la Punta Alta de Comalesbienes de 3.014 metres d'alçada.

The main reason of this weekend getaway was to climb a 3000m high mountain.
This year's chosen mountain was
Punta Alta de Comalesbienes, of 3.014 m high.

He de confessar que no ho tenia clar si podria fer el cim,
estic en molt baixa forma física i tinc un genoll una mica "cascadet".

I must confess I wasn't sure I would made it to the top,
because I am not at all fit and I also have a knee that hurts when I walk a lot.

Però estic orgullosa de poder-vos informar que...

But I'm proud of being able to inform you that...
La meva germana i jo suposadament dient que aquest era el nostre 2n 3000. // My sister and I supposedly saying that it was our 2nd 3000.
Vaig fer el cim! Vam aconseguir-ho!!!

I made it to the top! We made it!!!

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