dimecres, 5 de setembre del 2012

Dia 343 - Any 2

però al descobrir aquest video no me n'he pogut estar.

Es tracta d'un treball fet per un fotògraf holandès on apareix una persona de cada edat 
des de 0 fins a 100 amb la intensió de mostrar el pas del temps.

Això és el que ell mateix explica del seu projecte:

"In October 2011 I started documenting people in the city of Amsterdam, approaching them in the street and asking them to say their age in front of the camera. My aim was to 'collect' a group of 100 people, from age 0 to 100. At first my collection grew fast but slowed down when it got down to the very young and very old. The young because of sensivity around filming or photographing children and the very old because they don't get out of the house much. I found my very old 'models' in care homes and it was a privilege to document these -often vulnerable- people for this project. I had particular problems finding a 99 year-old. (Apparently 100 year-olds enjoy notoriety, but a 99 year-old is a rare species...) And when I finally did find one, she refused to state her age. She simply denied being 99 years old! But finally, some 4 months after I recorded my first 'age', I was able to capture the 'missing link' and conclude this project. Enjoy."

A més a més, el video us pot servir per aprendre a comptar en holandès! jajaja

Endevineu a quina fraja d'edat es troba una de les meves persones preferides del video? :)
Espero que us agradi!

but I couldn't resist myself when I found this video. 

It is a work done by a Dutch photographer showing a person in every age
from 0 to 100 with the intension to show the passage of time.

This is what he says about his project: 

"In October 2011 I started documenting people in the city of Amsterdam, approaching them in the street and asking them to say their age in front of the camera. My aim was to 'collect' a group of 100 people, from age 0 to 100. At first my collection grew fast but slowed down when it got down to the very young and very old. The young because of sensivity around filming or photographing children and the very old because they don't get out of the house much. I found my very old 'models' in care homes and it was a privilege to document these -often vulnerable- people for this project. I had particular problems finding a 99 year-old. (Apparently 100 year-olds enjoy notoriety, but a 99 year-old is a rare species...) And when I finally did find one, she refused to state her age. She simply denied being 99 years old! But finally, some 4 months after I recorded my first 'age', I was able to capture the 'missing link' and conclude this project. Enjoy."

And in addition, you can use the video to learn to count in Dutch! hahaha

Do you guess in which age frame is my favorite person in the video? :)
I hope you like it!

1 comentari:

  1. What a unique and ineresting video! I really enjoyed it. Thank you, Aiketa.


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