dijous, 23 d’agost del 2012

Dia 330 - Any 2

Avui, al obrir la bustia per mirar si hi havia correu
he vist que hi havia una postal.

Per un moment he pensat: "La postal que vas enviar des de Rivera Maya ha arribat! Per fi!!!"
Però només estirar la mà per agafar-la i fer un ràpid cop d'ull a la postal m'he adonat que no.
Que aquesta postal ha arribat des d'Escòcia, Ullapool concretament
i ens l'ha enviat la meva germana.

Això m'ha fet pensar amb la mala sort que he tingut uns quants cops a l'hora d'enviar postals.
De les 5 postals que vaig escriure i enviar des de Mèxic, no tinc notícia que n'hagin rebut cap.
I quan vaig anar a USA, unes quantes també es van extraviar.

A USA, les que es van extraviar les vaig enviar des de l'oficina de correus!!! Increïble oi?
I a Mèxic, la veritat és que ja m'ho podia haver imaginat, perquè no les vaig dipositar a una bústia oficial de correus sinó a una petita bústia que hi havia al lobby del nostre hotel.
Moralina de tota plegat, vigilar més des d'on envio les postals.

Amb la il·lusió que em fa a mi enviar i rebre postals...!!!

Today, when I opened the mailbox to see if there was mail
I saw that there was a postcard.

For a moment I thought: "The postcard you sent from Riviera Maya has arrived! Finally!"
But as I stretched my arm to grab it and take a quick look at the postcard I realized that it wasn't.
This postcard came from Scotland, Ullapool specifically
and my sister was the sender.

This made ​​me think of the bad luck I've had when sending postcards.
Of all 5 postcards that I wrote and sent from Mexico, I have no news of any of them being received.
And when I went to USA, a few were also lost.

In the USA, the ones that were lost were sent from a post office! Amazing, isn't it?
And in Mexico, I think I could have imagined it, since I never deposited them in an official mailbox but inside a small one that was in the lobby of our hotel.
The moral of the story is to be more careful from where I send postcards.

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