Avui, al obrir la bustia per mirar si hi havia correu
he vist que hi havia una postal.
Per un moment he pensat: "La postal que vas enviar des de Rivera Maya ha arribat! Per fi!!!"
Però només estirar la mà per agafar-la i fer un ràpid cop d'ull a la postal m'he adonat que no.
Que aquesta postal ha arribat des d'Escòcia, Ullapool concretament
i ens l'ha enviat la meva germana.
Això m'ha fet pensar amb la mala sort que he tingut uns quants cops a l'hora d'enviar postals.
De les 5 postals que vaig escriure i enviar des de Mèxic, no tinc notícia que n'hagin rebut cap.
I quan vaig anar a USA, unes quantes també es van extraviar.
A USA, les que es van extraviar les vaig enviar des de l'oficina de correus!!! Increïble oi?
I a Mèxic, la veritat és que ja m'ho podia haver imaginat, perquè no les vaig dipositar a una bústia oficial de correus sinó a una petita bústia que hi havia al lobby del nostre hotel.
Moralina de tota plegat, vigilar més des d'on envio les postals.
Amb la il·lusió que em fa a mi enviar i rebre postals...!!!
Today, when I opened the mailbox to see if there was mail
I saw that there was a postcard.
For a moment I thought: "The postcard you sent from Riviera Maya has arrived! Finally!"
But as I stretched my arm to grab it and take a quick look at the postcard I realized that it wasn't.
This postcard came from Scotland, Ullapool specifically
and my sister was the sender.
This made me think of the bad luck I've had when sending postcards.
Of all 5 postcards that I wrote and sent from Mexico, I have no news of any of them being received.
And when I went to USA, a few were also lost.
In the USA, the ones that were lost were sent from a post office! Amazing, isn't it?
And in Mexico, I think I could have imagined it, since I never deposited them in an official mailbox but inside a small one that was in the lobby of our hotel.
The moral of the story is to be more careful from where I send postcards.
Nice post card... And great post !
ResponEliminaBeautiful photo !
ResponEliminaSorry for your lost postcards!