Deixeu-me que us presenti el meu arxienemic, el mosquit tigre.
És una tortura!!!
He d'estar posant-me tot el dia repel·lent de mosquits i tampoc és efectiu...
El pitjor però és quan em poso a dormir i just després d'apagar la llum
començo a sentir a la meva orella el sorollet amenaçador
d'un mosquit tigre com dient-me:
"Hola! Sóc aquí i ara em faré un festí amb la teva sang!"
P.D: I jo que quan la meva mare abans de marxar em va dir "Si se t'acaba el repel·lent..." vaig pensar que exagerava... Ja ho diuen ja, les mares ho saben tot!
Let me introduce you my archenemy, the tiger mosquito.
It's torture!!!
I have to spray myself with mosquito repellent all day long and it's not even slightly effective...
But the worst is when I go to sleep and just after turning off the lights
I start hearing in my ear that threatening
mosquito noise, like if it's saying to me:
"Hello, I am here and now I will feast on your blood!"
P.S: And to think that when my mother was leaving and she said to me "If you run out of repellent..." I thought she was exaggerating... You know, they say mothers are always right, and they might be right.
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