diumenge, 5 d’agost del 2012

Dia 312 - Any 2

El diumenge ha acabat molt millor del que havia començat.
Aquest cap de setmana no estava essent massa interessant... 
Així que quan via whatsapp m'ha sorgit l'oportunitat d'anar a una jam session 
no m'ho he pensat dues vegades.

He fet la maleta, m'he dutxat i he agafat el tren en temps rècord.
He passat pel pis a deixar la maleta i posar el menjar a la nevera.
He agafat la bici i cap al JazzSí Club del Taller de Músics,
allà la Maria i la Patri m'estaven esperant.

Una molt bona manera d'acabar el diumenge!!!

My Sunday ended way better than how it started.
The weekend wasn't a really interesting one...
So when through whatsapp the possibility of going to a jam session appeared
I didn't think it twice.

I prepared my things, I showered and took the train in record time.
Then I stopped by my flat to leave everything and put food in the fridge.
I took my bike and went to JazzSí Club del Taller de Músics,
Maria and Patri were waiting me there.

It was a great way to end a Sunday!!!

2 comentaris:

  1. Hi Aiketa
    I love jazz too. And tonight I'm going for a jazz concert with my hubby.Excited.


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