Mai havia passat l'estiu a Barcelona, i aquest any que ho estic fent,
us puc assegurar que m'ho estic passant molt bé.
Hi ha tantes i tantes coses interessants per fer!
Avui he anat a veure "The King's Speech" al Castell de Montjuïc.
M'ha encantat tot plegat!
El concert abans de la pel·lícula, l'ambient de la gent allà fent el picnic,
la pel·lícula, el lloc...
Hi tornaré a anar, seguríssim!
Nota mental: el pròxim cop portar jerseiet i coixí pel cul...
I've never spent a Summer in Barcelona, and this year taht I'm doing so,
I can assure you that I'm having such a great time.
There are plenty of interesting things to do!
Today I went to watch "The King's Speech" at Montjuïc Castle.
I loved everything!
The concert before the movie, the atmosphere there while everyone was doing a picnic,
the film, the location...
I'll repeat, for sure!
Mental note: next time bring a light cardigan and a pillow for my bottom...
Wow movie in the castle! Gorgeous. And "The King's Speech" is one of my favorites.
ResponEliminaDoncs si hi m'apunto! Segueixo estant oberta a qualsevol plan i si és de diumenge mes!! :D