El primer incident amb la bicicleta no ha tardat a arribar.
Avui al sortir de casa m’he adonat que havia perdut un dels cargols que agafen
el plàstic protector de la cadena.
Però he pensat que no seria gran problema i que podria arribar a la biblioteca fàcilment.
Gran equivocació.
Només uns quants carrers després de sortir de casa,
el protector de la cadena s’havia desplaçat del seu lloc i no em deixava pedalar.
M’he aturat per entrar a una ferreteria a comprar un cargol, però estava tancada.
Després, mentre passejava buscant pel terra alguna cosa que em pugués servir per fixar-ho,
la cadena ha sortit del seu lloc.
"Perfecte! Segur que ara ja no arribo enlloc!"
M’he arraconat a un costat de la vorera i he girat la bici
{igual com fèia quan era petita i se’m sortia la cadena},
però després d’uns llargs i frustrants minuts intentant-ho i d’embrotir-me les mans al màxim...
m’he rendit. Era impossible posar la cadena a lloc amb el protector posat.
Just en aquell moment, sento un home que em pregunta: “Necessitas ayuda guapa?”.
Li he dit que si, però dient-li que era impossible arreglar-ho.
Ell s’ho ha mirat i m’ha fet un gest per dir-me “un moment”,
s’ha girat i ha anat al seu carro – sí, portava un carro de super ple de coses.
I torna amb una clau allen a la mà.
En un segon ha tret el protector de la cadena i ha pogut posar-la a lloc.
Ha tornat a posar bé el protector i primer problema arreglat!
Després, se'n torna a remenar pel seu carro i en treu un fil ferro.
L’ha posat al lloc del cargol perdut i segon problema arreglat!!!
Ja tornava a tenir bici!!! :D
Avui, he aprés qui són els típics homes que passegen pels carrers de Barcelona
amb carros de supermecat plens de coses vàries.
Són els manetes dels carrers.
Què bé que m’ha anat trobar-me’n un avui!
So the first problem with my bike didn’t took long to arrive.
Today as I was leaving home, I realized that there was a screw missing
from the chain case of my bike's bike chain.
But I thought that it wouldn’t be a big problem and that I would be able
to arrive at the library without problem.
Big mistake.
Only a few streets later, the chain case had moved and was impeding me from cycling.
I stopped to buy a screw at a hardware store but it was closed.
So while I was walking searching for something on the ground that would be useful to fix it,
the bike chain got out of its place.
"Brilliant! Sure I won’t be going to the library by bike!"
I went to a side of the sidewalk and turn the bike up side down
{as I used to do many years ago when this happened to me}
but after some long and frustrating minutes trying to fix it and also getting my hands so filthy...
I surrendered. It was impossible to put the chain back to place with the chain case there.
Just that moment, I hear a male voice asking me: “Do you need help pretty?”.
I said yes, but also added that it was impossible to fix.
He inspectioned the bike and then make me a gesture meaning “one moment”,
he turned toward his kart – yes, he had a supermarket kart full of stuff of all kinds.
He came back to me with an allen key in hand. In a second he removed the chain case and put the chain back to its place. First problem solved!
Then he checked into his kart and took a wire which he used as the missing screw so
second problem fixed!
I again had a useful bike!
Today I learned who these men that walk around Barcelona’s streets with a supermarket kart filled with stuff of all kinds are. They are the handyman of the streets.
And how useful it was for me to stumble upon one today.
ResponEliminaGood to hear your bike fixed finally. Your blog is very interesting full of good pictures. I'm a new follower of your blog.
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