Aquesta tarda, la meva mare i jo hem anat a veure la meva àvia a la residència.
I hem passat l'estona jugant al dòmino.
Ella al principi era la meva companya de joc,
jo li deia quins números podíem tirar i ella escollia les fitxes.
Al cap d'una estona es va cansar,
i li vam otorgar la feina de repartir-nos les fitxes per fer les partides.
D'aquesta manera la fèiem comptar i fer treballar les mans!
M'encanta veure-li fer coses!!! :D
I durant uns breus moments, potser només segons,
degut a alguna cosa que m'ha dit,
m'ha semblat que avui era més la meva àvia
{l'àvia de quan jo era petita i ella no tenia Alzheimer}.
Aquest pocs segons han valgut molt la pena i m'han dibuixat un gran somriure a la cara!
This afternoon, my mother and I went to visit my grandmother at the nursery home.
We spent the time playing dominoes.
She was my game partner at the beginning of the game,
I told her which numbers we could use and she chose the tile.
After a while she was tired,
and we gave her the job of distributing the tiles to us for the next games we played.
This way she had to count and work with her hands!
I love watching her doing things! : D
And for a few brief moments, perhaps only seconds,
because of something she said,
I had the feeling that today she was more like my grandmother
{that grandmother from when I was little and she didn't have Alzheimer's}.
These seconds were more than worthwhile and it made me drew a big smile on your face!
I heart this game.. Very lovely capture.. Officially a happy follower here. BEAUTIFUL blog.. I love your photography.. Would LOVE for you to link this lovely post via my Finagle A Foto Linky party happening today please, would love to have ya if you have a moment.. Thanks SO much in advance, wishing you a beautiful Sunday.. xo.. Marilyn via