Avui hem tingut el dia lliure d'activitats per fer tot el que vulguèssim a l'hotel.
I la veritat, és que avorrir-se és difícil amb la quantitat d'activitats que s'hi poden fer.
Hem començat el dia a la platja,
no podia ser de cap altra manera no?
Today we had the day free of activities in order to do
whatever we wanted inside the hotel.
I must say it's almost impossible to get bored with all the
different activities you can do there.
We started the day at the beach,
it coudn't be any other way, could it?
Mentre èrem a la platja hem anat a buscar una mica de menjar per pica...
i ens han aparegut amics!
While there we got some snack to eat...
and then some friends joined us!
El nostre amic, el "mapache". {En català, ós rentador.} // Our friend, the raccoon. |
A ben dinat, la Marina i en Francesc han dit que anaven a la piscina a ballar merengue.
Al principi no em convencia, però al veure com de bé s'ho estaven passant no he pogut resistir d'unir-m'hi.
{Aviat, un video al meu blog de viatges: Aiketa's travels.}
After lunch, Marina and Francesc told us they were going to dance merengue beside the pool.
At first I wasn't convinced to join them, but when I realized how much fun they were having I had no other option.
{Soon, a video at my travel blog: Aiketa's travels.}
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