dimecres, 16 de maig del 2012

Dia 231 - Any 2

Avui "Hiroshima mon amour" ha tornat,
aquesta vegada al nostre local d'assaig i amb un convidat especial, l'Àngel Llàcer.

El local és el lloc perfecte per interpretar el sòtan de Nevers.
Tot i la nostra mala sensació avui al fer l'obra -excepte la Nuri, que tenia bones vibracions-,
ens ha sortit bé, segons ens ha dit el dire!

Today "Hiroshima mon amour" has come back,
this time at our rehearsal place and with a special guest, Àngel Llàcer.

This is the perfect location to recreate the basement from Nevers.
Even though we had the feeling the show wasn't going well -except from Nuri, who had good vibes-,
it turned up to be a good performance, as our director told us!

2 comentaris:

  1. That is fun and congratulations! Have a nice weekend friend!

    1. Thanks Prem and the same to you, enjoy the weekend!


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