divendres, 27 d’abril del 2012

Dia 212 - Any 2

LES JOSELINES - Heu vist quant d'amor entre nosaltres? :D  // Do you see how much love there is between us? :D

La nit es pot resumir en
{si excloem el meu mal de panxa}.

Sopar d'aniversari de la Txell al pis,
converses de tot tipus, xafardaries vàries,
multitud de persones al meu llit i cadenes de fotos,
i després festa a Plataforma.


To sum up, we can say that the night was
{if we don't count my stomach ache}.

Txell's Birthday dinner at the apartment,
all kind of conversations, some gossiping,
many people on my bed and photo chain taking,
and then party at Plataforma. 

6 comentaris:

  1. Jajajajajaja m'encanta!! Sobre tot xafarderies varies, siguem realistes jajaja

    Un super petó! :D

    1. Sí, les xafarderies vàries molen!!! :D
      Un altre super petó per tu!

  2. Cute photos. Looks like you had fun.

  3. Seems you all had a wonderful time celebrating the birthday!

  4. Bright and happy faces--That's a specialty I noted in this shot : )


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