Anar a passejar els gossos per Els Àngels mai falla.
Avui, de totes maneres, m'he emportat un mini ensurt.
Al baixar del cotxe he deixat anar a en Kiu i a l'Aika.
Hem començat a caminar, he vist unes flors boniques i m'he parat a tirar una foto,
quan me n'he adonat, l'Aika ja era al final de tot de la pujada a punt de fer la corba i desaparèixer del meu camp de visió.
Degut a les seves cataractes, està quasi cega del tot,
així que no és massa bona idea perdre-la de vista perquè a saber cap a on va.
He avisat a en Kiu, que estava més endavant que jo però no tant lluny com l'Aika
i li he dit: "Corre, vés a buscar l'Aika!".
S'ha arrencat a correr, ha desaparegut del meu camp de visió,
jo també he corregut i quan per fi he arribat a la corba,
allà els he vist, un al costat de l'altre esperant-me!
En Kiu és un geni de gos!
To walk my dogs at Els Àngels never fails. It's a favorite!
Today, however, I experienced a little scary moment.
After parking the car, I unleashed Kiu and Aika.
Just after starting walking I saw some beautiful flowers and stopped to take a picture,
and then realized that Aika was at the end of the path up the hill about to turn and disappear from my field of vision.
Due to her cataracts, she is almost completely blind,
so it's not a good thing to lose her from sight because you never know where she might go.
I yelled for Kiu, who was not as far as her
and said to him "Go, get Aika!".
Just after starting walking I saw some beautiful flowers and stopped to take a picture,
and then realized that Aika was at the end of the path up the hill about to turn and disappear from my field of vision.
Due to her cataracts, she is almost completely blind,
so it's not a good thing to lose her from sight because you never know where she might go.
I yelled for Kiu, who was not as far as her
and said to him "Go, get Aika!".
He started to run, disappeared also from my field of view,
I ran after them, and when I finally reached the turn,
there I see them, side by side waiting for me!
Kiu is a gem of a dog!
I ran after them, and when I finally reached the turn,
there I see them, side by side waiting for me!
Kiu is a gem of a dog!
looks like you get Japanese names for your dogs eh? what a beautiful story.
ResponEliminahahaha I never thought of it... but you are right, their names sound like Japanese!
EliminaThough last Summer I discovered that "aika" in Finnish means time.