L'any passat vaig (o vam) descobrir, gràcies a la Laura, que aquests arbres es diuen
Cercis Siliquastrum o més col·loquialment, arbres de l'amor.
Al tornar a Barcelona després de Setmana Santa
la meva sorpresa ha estat trobar-me aquests arbres de davant del pis ben florits!
Quin gran canvi han fet només amb 7 dies...
Last year I (or we) discovered, thanks to Laura, that the name of this tree is
Cercis Siliquastrum or more colloquialy, Judas Tree.
{In Catalan, the colloquial name means The Love Tree, I like that name best!}
When coming back to Barcelona after Easter
I had a beautiful surprise seeing these trees in front of my flat full of beautiful blooms!
What a big change in just a short 7 days...
Last year I (or we) discovered, thanks to Laura, that the name of this tree is
Cercis Siliquastrum or more colloquialy, Judas Tree.
{In Catalan, the colloquial name means The Love Tree, I like that name best!}
When coming back to Barcelona after Easter
I had a beautiful surprise seeing these trees in front of my flat full of beautiful blooms!
What a big change in just a short 7 days...
great colors! :) have a nice day ...
ResponEliminaGrazie Geanina! The same to you!
EliminaM'agrada! jeje ;)
ResponEliminaTots gràcies a les teves dots detectivesques!
Eliminabeautiful flower and i love how its branches spread.