diumenge, 11 de març del 2012

Dia 165 - Any 2

M'encanta la petita gran obsessió d'en Kiu amb les pinyes.
La veritat és que és bastant patològic,
però veure com se li il·lumina la cara i la cua li va a mil al veure una pinya,
no té preu.

he descobert aquestes pinyes amb forma de flor
i les he fotografiat sota l'atenta mirada d'en Kiu. 


I love that little big obsession my dog, Kiu, has with pine cones.
The truth is that it's kinda pathological,
but to watch his face light and his tale move quickly whenever he sees a pine cone,
is priceless.

I discovered these pine cone flowers
and I photographed them under Kiu's watchful eye.

EARTH WONDERS by anaeugenio

8 comentaris:

  1. I LOVE the "watchful eye":) He looks so happy! And the pine cone flowers are just so beautiful! I've never seen them before. Thank you for visiting all the way from Barcelona, it is very nice to meet you:)

    God Bless,

    1. Thanks for your comment KandK. That was my first time seeing pine cone flowers too, though it wasn't my parents! They knew they existed! ;)

  2. Respostes
    1. Thanks Rebecca, and thank you also for sharing my photo at the Simple As That facebook page. I'm going to take the "Featured" button. Thanks again.

  3. These flowers look amazing. Are they handmade or naturally occurring?

    1. These are natural pine cone flowers! I have never seen them before, but my parents did. They were really beautiful indeed.

  4. he's so funny and so weird but oh well, he may have loved pine cones in his previous life. :D

    1. Maybe this is the reason of his incredible obsession with pine cones!!!


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