dijous, 23 de febrer del 2012

Dia 148 - Any 2

Des de fa uns quants dies que tinc al meu càrrec una orquidia.
Mai he sigut massa bona cuidant plantes, 
sempre se m'acaben morint.
La meva teoria és que com que no em demanen el que necessiten, jo me n'oblido. 
{És tot culpa única i estrictament de les plantes. Que em demanin, home!!!}

Des d'avui la meva cosina té al seu càrrec un nen, l'Ernest.
La meva teoria pel que fa a la cura dels nens 
és que és més senzilla (com a mínim a nivell memorístic) perquè ells sí que demanen, i molt!

Així que crec que a la meva cosina se li donarà millor cuidar del nou membre de la família,
que a mi cuidar de la meva orquidia,
tot i que, 
aquest cop, hi posaré totes les meves millors intensions per donar-li una vida llarga i plena.


For several days now, I've been in charge of an orchid.
I've never been really good at taking care of plants,
they always end up dying.
My theory is that because they don't ask what they need, I forget about them.
{It's all their solely fault, not mine's. Come on, they should ask what they need!!!}

Since today, my cousin has a little baby to take care of, his name is Ernest.
My theory regarding taking care of children
is that it is easier (at least to remember) because they do ask what they need, and quite a lot!

So I think my cousin will do better taking care of the new member of the family,
than me taking care of my orchid,
though I will do all my best to give my plant a long and healthy life.

It's difficult to say which is my favorite color, I might say I like all bright colors that exist.
But probably I have a thing for PINK/PURPLE and RED.

Saturday Sareenity
      EARTH WONDERS by anaeugenio

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