Cel a abans d'entrar a la biblioteca a la tarda. |
Crec que aquest és el meu tipus de cel preferit.
Cel blau amb abundants núvols blancs i esponjosos.
Bé, un cel rosat/tarongós quan el sol es pon
també m'agrada molt.
Quin és el vostre tipus de cel preferit?

Nice Sky! I like all kind.
ResponEliminaHook Bar
Carrer Ample, 35
Barri Gòtic
Not far from Pompeu Fabra University
Interesting little bar filled with pirate stuff
Thank you Aina, I will give it a look! ;)
Eliminapretty sky shot!
ResponEliminathank you for contributing to Saturday Sareenity.
Hard to choose a favourite. I'm not keen on overcast showery skies (like ours today) but they do give opportunity for good nature photos- and raindrops. Thank you for your lovely comment on my blog.
ResponEliminaNice shot.
ResponEliminaRegards and best wishes
ResponEliminaA late visit from Saturday Sareenity, hope you can still visit my Bridge View entry.