Avui, 13 de gener, he decidit quins seran els meus propòsits d'any nou.
1) Llegir, llegir més, bastant més!
Llegir m'agrada,
quan estic posada dins d'una novel·la m'ho passo d'allò més bé.
El meu problema és, que mai trobo el moment adequat per llegir.
He decidit que s'ha acabat! No vull seguir així!
Així, perquè el propòsit no quedi tant a l'aire:
aquest any m'he de llegir un mínim de 12 llibres,
1 per mes.
2) Gastar menys!
Estem en època de crisi,
i per desgràcia sembla que encara ens queda un bon temps així,
per això he decidit que m'hi miraré molt més amb el que em gasto.
I com?
Doncs portant-me l'esmorzar i el berenar de casa
preparant-me el tapper cada dia...
Ah!, i no us preocupeu pas,
els meus dos objectius no són gens contradictoris
perquè per complir el primer no m'hauré de gastar ni 1 euro,
ja que tinc una bona pila de llibres que estan esperant el seu torn.
Seré capaç de complir-ho?
El dia 31 de desembre de 2012 ho veurem!
Today, January 13th, I decided which will be my New Year's Resolutions.
1) To read, to read more, much more!
I like reading,
when I'm reading a novel I get into it quickly and I enjoy it so much.
My problem is that I never find the time to read.
I decided that that needs to stop! I don't want to continue like this!
So to make a more specific resolution:
this year I have to read a minimum of 12 book,
1 per month.
2) To spend less!
We are living a bad financial situation,
and unfortunately it looks like that this won't change soon,
so I've decided to be more careful when spending money.
And how?
Bringing the breakfast and afternoon snack from home,
preparing a tupperware lunch every day...
Oh! And don't worry,
because my two resolutions aren't contrarictory
because to fulfill my first resolution I won't need to spend not 1€,
because I already have a great amount of books waiting to be read.
Will I be able to fulfill them?
On December 31st we will see!
Today, January 13th, I decided which will be my New Year's Resolutions.
1) To read, to read more, much more!
I like reading,
when I'm reading a novel I get into it quickly and I enjoy it so much.
My problem is that I never find the time to read.
I decided that that needs to stop! I don't want to continue like this!
So to make a more specific resolution:
this year I have to read a minimum of 12 book,
1 per month.
2) To spend less!
We are living a bad financial situation,
and unfortunately it looks like that this won't change soon,
so I've decided to be more careful when spending money.
And how?
Bringing the breakfast and afternoon snack from home,
preparing a tupperware lunch every day...
Oh! And don't worry,
because my two resolutions aren't contrarictory
because to fulfill my first resolution I won't need to spend not 1€,
because I already have a great amount of books waiting to be read.
Will I be able to fulfill them?
On December 31st we will see!
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